A Nutritionist's Perspective on La Terra Vita's CSA
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“I have never been so nourished as last summer when I was eating my weekly selection of not only delicious but picturesque produce from La Terra Vita,” says Laura Schaffer MS RD LD, long-time CSA member, licensed nutritionist and registered dietitian.
Diet is a key driver for health. Diet theories abound and often contradict one another. But one central tenet they all share and agree on is: FRESH VEGETABLES ARE GOOD FOR YOU. That’s an incredible nugget of truth right there.
Changing food habits can be extremely difficult given our busy lives and the convenience of an eat-out culture. So where do you begin? Well, it’s easier than you think. Start by adding vegetables to your current diet instead of trying to opt out of your favorite foods.
Here’s how you can do it. Become a CSA member with La Terra Vita. “I have been a CSA member with La Terra Vita for the last 5 years. Every week I get a basket of the freshest organic vegetables and eggs,” says Laura. It is like a gym membership. It provides the encouragement and commitment to eat fresh vegetables every week. It says I am serious about my diet and I plan to eat more vegetables.
Ever eaten a purple potato? La Terra Vita has chosen vegetables that promote good health and well-being. Their Purple Peruvian fingerlings have “28 times more cancer-fighting anthocyanins than common russet potatoes,” notes a New York Times article, Breeding the Nutrition Out of Our Food, May 25, 2013.
Not only are the vegetables good for you but they are delicious. Laura comments “the variety: Asian greens, so many types of kale, salad mix, garlic leeks, at least six different types of potatoes and just as many varieties of cucumbers, raspberries, blackberries, the sweetest carrots and then of course the heirloom tomatoes – just to name a few – are all the best tasting of any I have ever had”.
Having access to easy-to-prepare recipes is another key element to the process of change. La Terra Vita shares members’ recipes online via their Facebook page and with weekly emails. Eat at home at least two main meals a week. Make sure they are packed with vegetables. Do it by joining La Terra Vita’s CSA and let them help you get off to a great new start.
La Terra Vita will once again deliver directly to Salem and Portland on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays starting at the end of May. Find out all the details at our website under CSA or email Lucie Gouin at lucie@laterravita.com.